- - - - - - - - - - ~/matlab/sws-1996aug/synthtrax.m - - - - - - - - - -
function X = synthtrax(F, M, SR, SUBF, DUR)
% X = synthtrax(F, M, SR, SUBF, DUR) Reconstruct a sound from track rep'n.
% Each row of F and M contains a series of frequency and magnitude
% samples for a particular track. These will be remodulated and
% overlaid into the output sound X which will run at sample rate SR,
% although the columns in F and M are subsampled from that rate by
% a factor SUBF. If DUR is nonzero, X will be padded or truncated
% to correspond to just this much time.
% dpwe@icsi.berkeley.edu 1994aug20, 1996aug22
DUR = 0;
rows = size(F,1);
cols = size(F,2);
opsamps = round(DUR*SR);
if(DUR == 0)
opsamps = 1 + ((cols-1)*SUBF);
X = zeros(1, opsamps);
for row = 1:rows
mm = M(row,:);
ff = F(row,:);
% Where mm = 0, ff is undefined. But interp will care, so find points
% and set.
% First, find onsets - points where mm goes from zero to nzero
nzv = find(mm);
firstcol = min(nzv);
lastcol = max(nzv);
% for speed, chop off regions of initial and final zero magnitude -
% but want to include one zero from each end if they are there
zz = [max(1, firstcol-1):min(cols,lastcol+1)];
mm = mm(zz);
ff = ff(zz);
nzcols = prod(size(zz));
mz = (mm==0);
mask = mz & (0==[mz(2:nzcols),1]);
ff = ff.*(1-mask) + mask.*[ff(2:nzcols),0];
% Do offsets too
mask = mz & (0==[1,mz(1:(nzcols-1))]);
ff = ff.*(1-mask) + mask.*[0,ff(1:(nzcols-1))];
% Ok. Can interpolate now
% This is actually the slow part
% % these parameters to interp make it do linear interpolation
% ff = interp(ff, SUBF, 1, 0.001);
% mm = interp(mm, SUBF, 1, 0.001);
% % chop off past-the-end vals from interp
% ff = ff(1:((nzcols-1)*SUBF)+1);
% mm = mm(1:((nzcols-1)*SUBF)+1);
% slinterp does linear interpolation, doesn't extrapolate, 4x faster
ff = slinterp(ff, SUBF);
mm = slinterp(mm, SUBF);
% convert frequency to phase values
pp = cumsum(2*pi*ff/SR);
% run the oscillator and apply the magnitude envelope
xx = mm.*cos(pp);
% add it in to the correct place in the array
base = 1+SUBF*(zz(1)-1);
sizex = prod(size(xx));
ww = (base-1)+[1:sizex];
X(ww) = X(ww) + xx;